Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Hobby Farm and Sheep for sale

As some of you know, my place is on the market. Click here for more information on the house.
I love my house, Stan and I built it in 1987.  We skated on the pond...
We planted gardens and fruit trees, built two barns, fenced and raised poultry and sheep.  Being on the end of a cul-de-sac means there is very little traffic, so no worries about pets on the highway. The neighbors here are simply the best, most helpful, caring people.  This place has been perfect for me and my animals... But the time has come to move on in life.

I'm in a relationship with an amazing man who can build and fix anything, is an excellent cook (Italian), and he actually wants sheep! But most important, he makes me feel alive again. Life is about moving forward, not living in the past.
Sid's noodle-free lasagna made with zucchini, eggplant, and wild mushrooms from a neighbor's yard.
So I am relocating my studio and animals to Ogilvie, MN.
We built a nice pole barn, but we have no pasture there yet.  We still have to fence and the sheep will have to clear out the woods.
I have decided to sell four of my registered Bluefaced Leicester ewes and my yearling Teeswater ram, along with some purebred Shetland, TeeswaterX, and BFLX ram lambs.  I also have two small Teeswater/BFL ewe lambs for sale. They were the smallest in sets of triplets. Very sweet friendly girls with beautiful lustrous locks, but too small for breeding this fall. Please check my Sheep for Sale page tab above for details and pricing.
I will be heading to Jefferson, WI for the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival September 11-13th with as many sheep as I can pack in my new-to-me miniature horse trailer. I will be teaching a Raw Felted Fleece class there on the 13th, so I need to leave enough room in the trailer for all the class supplies too.

I'll have two pens in the Stock Exchange barn at WSWF.  I hope you will stop in and see the sheep, I can't wait to see everything and everyone at Jefferson!

Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...