Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some photos of the Animals

Hansel got a reprieve from his appointment with the butcher on Monday. He's such a sweet ram, not aggressive to people in the least. And he's been behaving so well with the flock, I called and cancelled his appointment.  His fleece is a beautiful grey under those honey colored tips and I want to get my hands on it again this year.  That's Socks, our wether (and the famous Lena's twin brother) behind Hansel.  Socks' fleece is always in great demand by handspinners at Shepherds Harvest, but I hope to raw felt it this year. Socks is a 50/50 Shetland/Bluefaced Leicester cross.
My Shetland flock, Heddy, Mia, Maddie, Hattie, and Camille, Hansel and Socks (the Shetland Mule) in the back.

I only hope that if my Bluefaced Leicester yearlings lamb this year, their babies will have that same crimpy fleece that Socks and the other BFL sired crosses have had. It will be interesting to see how doing things the opposite way (BFL ewe and Shetland sire) will affect the lambs.
Socks, Mia, Heddy, Maddie, Hattie, Camille and Hansel in the background and Leta or Luna in the doorway.
And here's Ozzie on a happy outing to the west 40 in Ogilvie.  Ozzie gets so excited whenever I ask him if he wants to go to the land.  I swear that Ozzie knows so many words! He's my loyal companion these days.

This is the Buff Chantecler rooster I plan to keep.  I've got one other purebred Buff Chantecler plus three beautiful black roosters that need to go. Anybody want one? Or two, or three, or four?

Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...