I finally have my first natural colored Bluefaced Leicesters home! Here's a photo of Granite, ram lamb in front, and Rhyn, ewe lamb in back. I got them from Brenda Lelli at Beechtree Farms in Coopersville, MI, which is same place I got Lanora and Dougal from last year. These two are very mellow and calm. I keep forgetting they don't know me yet when I reach out to do chin scratches and pick VM from their wool. I've got them in quarantine in a chain-link fenced area. It didn't take them long to clear out the weed growth from this summer. And they don't seem to mind the four Blue Silkie chicks who share the pen with them.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful weekend at the Michigan Fiber Festival. My travel partners, Kim and Garrett, kept the conversation interesting and our travel time passed quickly. And thanks to Stephen (and his sister) for putting us up for the weekend and to Heather for the great pig roast again this year. It was so much fun to see everyone again.
Also thanks to all the bloggers for their condolences about our current state of DSL deprivation. I'm not sure what I'll do, but now that I've got my heart set on high speed, I'm going to have to come up with something!
I still haven't fixed my computer, but I'm working around the glitch by having my photos printed and then scanning them. Here are a couple photos of my kamoget ewe lambs. Below is Lucy, a grey katmoget out of River Oaks Hattie and Sheltering Pines Bombarde. She is an F3 Holly, F3 Dillon and F4 Holly. Her fleece is a beautiful blue grey under the cream colored tips. Her crimp is even front to back. I have to see if I can halter train her in time for Jefferson, she's super friendly, so chances are good.

And this is Abby, our little fawn katmoget, out of Windswept Boggart and Bramble Cordelia. She's an F2 Minder and what a fleece! It's long and soft, open and wavy. Her only imperfection is that her tail is rather wooly. She carries modified genetics, so we'll be keeping her here in our flock.